San Diego Mission Academy serves students in grades 6-12, ages 11 through 24 years old, in the following counties: San Diego County, Orange County, Imperial County, Riverside County
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Bringing Free Education to the Next Level
San Diego Mission Academy offers flexible educational options to meet the needs of all students
Our Year-Round School Program is for students seeking a consistent, structured, supportive, alternative learning environment. Students can enroll anytime throughout the calendar year, and either transition to another school of choice or graduate with us.
Fill out the form below to begin the enrollment process.
Academic Enrichment Program
Registration for July 2025 will open this spring. If you wish to receive an email notification when the registration form is available, kindly complete the Interest Form.
Make the Switch Today For:
A tuition-FREE, accredited and flexible program that fits your schedule
Credit recovery to return to your previous school
One-on-one teacher mentoring
100% online coursework to study where you want
The ability to catch up or graduate early