- COVID-19
- Education for Homeless Children & Youth Policy
- Employees & Student Interaction Policy
- Mathematics Placement Policy
- Personalized Learning Policy
- Privacy Policy
- School Policy on Suicide Prevention
- The Dangers of Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Drugs
- Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination & Bullying Policy
- Uniform Complaint Procedure
- Water Bottle Policy
Education for Homeless Children & Youth Policy
The San Diego Mission Academy (“Charter School”) Board of Directors recognizes that homelessness is a serious problem and is concerned, in particular, about the education of homeless children and youth in the Charter School. The Charter School desires to ensure that homeless children and youth are provided with equal access to its educational program, have an opportunity to meet the same challenging state of California academic standards, are provided a free and appropriate public education, are not stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless, and to establish safeguards that protect homeless students from discrimination on the basis of their homelessness.
Definition of Homeless Children & Youth
School Liason
The Area Superintendent designates the following staff person as the School Liaison for homeless students (42 U.S.C. §§11432(g)(1)(J)(ii) & (e)(3)(C)(i)(IV).):
Kelly Thiemthath, School Counselor
9512 Chesapeake Dr. Ste. 402
San Diego, CA 92123
The School Liaison shall ensure that (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(6)):
- Homeless students are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies.
- Homeless students enroll in, and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed at, the Charter School.
- Homeless students and families receive educational services for which they are eligible, including services through Head Start programs (including Early Head Start programs) under the Head Start Act, early intervention services under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and referrals to health care services, dental services, mental health services, substance abuse services, housing services, and other appropriate services.
- Parents/guardians are informed of the educational and related opportunities available to their children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
- Public notice of the educational rights of homeless children is disseminated at places frequented by parents or guardians of such youths and unaccompanied youths, such as schools, shelters, public libraries, and soup kitchens, and in a manner and form understandable to the parents and guardians of homeless youth and unaccompanied youth.
- Enrollment and admissions disputes are resolved in accordance with law, the Charter School’s approved charter, and Board policy.
- Parents/guardians and any unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation services, as applicable.
- School personnel providing services receive professional development and other support;
- The School Liaison collaborates with state coordinators and community and school personnel responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless children and youths.
- Unaccompanied youth are enrolled in the Charter School, have opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic standards as the state establishes for other children and youth, and are informed of their status as independent students under section 480 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and that the youths may obtain assistance from the School Liaison to receive verification of such status for the purposes of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid described in section 483 of the Act.
- Assist, facilitate, or represent a homeless student who is undergoing a disciplinary proceeding that could result in his/her expulsion when notified pursuant to Education Code 48918.1.
- Participate in an individualized education program team meeting to make a manifestation determination regarding the behavior of a student with a disability when notified pursuant to Education Code 48915.5.
- Assist a homeless student to obtain records necessary for his/her enrollment into or transfer out of the Charter School, including immunization, medical, and academic records.
- At least annually, offer training to certificated and classified employees providing services to students experiencing homelessness, including, but not limited to, teachers, support staff, and other school staff who work with pupils, relating to both of the following: (1) the Charter School’s Education for Homeless Children and Youth Policy; and (2) recognition of signs that students are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, homelessness. (Education Code section 48851.3).
- Inform employees of the availability of training and the services the School Liaison provides to aid in the identification and provision of services to students who are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, homelessness. (Education Code section 48851.3).
The Charter School shall immediately admit/enroll the student (subject to the Charter School’s capacity and pursuant to the procedures stated in the Charter School’s approved charter and Board policy), even if the student lacks records normally required for enrollment. Records will immediately be requested from the previous school. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(C); Education Code Section 48850(a)(3)(A).)
If the student needs to obtain immunizations or does not possess immunization or other medical records, the Principal or designee shall refer the parent/guardian to the School Liaison. The School Liaison shall assist the parent/guardian in obtaining the necessary immunizations or records for the student. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(C).)
Enrollment Disputes
If a dispute arises over admissions/enrollment, the student shall be immediately admitted, pending resolution of the dispute. The parent/guardian shall be provided with a written explanation of the admission/enrollment decision, including an explanation of the parent/guardian’s right to appeal the decision. He/she shall also be referred to the School Liaison. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(E).)
The School Liaison shall carry out the Board-adopted Uniform Complaint Procedures as expeditiously as possible after receiving notice of the dispute. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(E).)
Comparable Services
Involuntary Removal
Transfer of Coursework and Credits (Education Code section 51225.2)
When a homeless student transfers into the Charter School, the Charter School shall accept and issue full or partial credit for all full or partial coursework that the student has satisfactorily completed while attending another public school, a juvenile court school, a charter school, a school in a country other than the United States, or a nonpublic, nonsectarian school or agency. The accepted credits shall be applied for enrollment purposes to the same or equivalent course, if applicable, as the coursework completed in the prior school. For purposes of the official transcript, the accepted credits shall be added to the credits earned from the same or equivalent course for purposes of calculating the total credits earned for the course but shall separately identify the school and local educational agency in which the credits were earned.
The Charter School shall not require a homeless student to retake a course if the student has satisfactorily completed the entire course in a public school, a juvenile court school, a charter school, a school in a country other than the United States, or a nonpublic, nonsectarian school. If the student did not complete the entire course, the Charter School shall not require the student to retake the portion of the course the student completed unless the Charter School, in consultation with the holder of educational rights for the student, finds that the student is reasonably able to complete the requirements in time to graduate from high school. When partial credit is awarded in a particular course, the homeless student shall be enrolled in the same or equivalent course, if applicable, so that the student may continue and complete the entire course.
In no event shall the Charter School prevent a homeless student from taking or retaking a course to meet the eligibility requirements for admission to the California State University or the University of California.
Applicability of Graduation Requirements (Education Code section 51225.1)
Notification & Complaints
Policy Review
This policy shall be reviewed and updated at least every three (3) years. (Education Code section 48851.3).
Adopted/Ratified: August 27, 2018
Revision Date: August 18, 2020
Revision Date: June 7, 2023
Employees & Student Interaction Policy
The Organization recognizes its responsibility to make and enforce all rules and regulations governing student and employee behavior to bring about the safest and most learning-conducive environment possible.
Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment shall not be used as a disciplinary measure against any student. Corporal punishment includes the willful infliction of, or willfully causing the infliction of, physical pain on a student.
For purposes of this policy, corporal punishment does not include an employee’s use of force that is reasonable and necessary to protect the employee, students, employees or other persons or to prevent damage to property.
For clarification purposes, the following examples are offered for direction and guidance of Organization personnel:
A. Examples of PERMITTED actions (NOT corporal punishment)
- Stopping a student from fighting with another student;
- Preventing a pupil from committing an act of vandalism;
- Defending yourself from physical injury or assault by a student;
- Forcing a pupil to give up a weapon or dangerous object;
- Requiring an athletic team to participate in strenuous physical training activities designed to strengthen or condition team members or improve their coordination, agility, or physical skills;
- Engaging in group calisthenics, team drills, or other physical education or voluntary recreational activities.
B. Examples of PROHIBITED actions (corporal punishment)
- Hitting, shoving, pushing, or physically restraining a student as a means of control;
- Making unruly students do push-ups, run laps, or perform other physical acts that cause pain or discomfort as a form of punishment;
- Paddling, swatting slapping, grabbing, pinching, kicking, or otherwise causing physical pain.
Acceptable and Unacceptable Employees & Student Behavior
This policy is intended to guide all Organization faculty and employees in conducting themselves in a way that reflects the high standards of behavior and professionalism required of Organization employees and to specify the boundaries between students and employees.
Although this policy gives specific, clear direction, it is each employees member’s obligation to avoid situations that could prompt suspicion by parents, students, colleagues, or Organization leaders. One viable standard that can be quickly applied, when you are unsure if certain conduct is acceptable, is to ask yourself, “Would I be engaged in this conduct if my family or colleagues were standing next to me?”
For the purposes of this policy, the term “boundaries” is defined as acceptable professional behavior by employee members while interacting with a student. Trespassing the boundaries of a student/teacher relationship is deemed an abuse of power and a betrayal of public trust.
Some activities may seem innocent from an employee’s perspective but can be perceived as flirtation or sexual insinuation from a student or parent point of view. The objective of the following lists of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors is not to restrain innocent, positive relationships between employees and students, but to prevent relationships that could lead to, or may be perceived as, sexual misconduct.
Employees must understand their own responsibility for ensuring that they do not cross the boundaries as written in this policy. Disagreeing with the wording or intent of the established boundaries will be considered irrelevant for disciplinary purposes. Thus, it is crucial that all employees learn this policy thoroughly and apply the lists of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors to their daily activities. Although sincere, competent interaction with students certainly fosters learning, student & employee’s interactions must have boundaries surrounding potential activities, locations and intentions.
Duty to Report Suspected Misconduct
When any employee reasonably suspects or believes that another employees member may have crossed the boundaries specified in this policy, he or she must immediately report the matter to an Organization administrator. All reports shall be as confidential as possible under the circumstances. It is the duty of the administrator to investigate and thoroughly report the situation. Employees must also report to the administration any awareness or concern of student behavior that crosses boundaries or where a student appears to be at risk for sexual abuse.
The following examples of specific behaviors are not an exhaustive list.
Unacceptable Employee & Student Behaviors (Violations of this Policy):
- Giving gifts to an individual student that are of a personal and intimate nature.
- Kissing of any kind
- Any type of unwelcomed and unnecessary physical contact with a student in a private situation.
- Making or participating in sexually inappropriate comments, listening to or telling stories that are sexually oriented, or participating in sexual jokes, stories of a sexual nature, or inappropriate sexual comments.
- Discussing inappropriate personal troubles or intimate issues with a student in an attempt to gain their support and understanding.
- Seeking emotional involvement with a student for your benefit.
- Becoming involved with a student so that a reasonable person may suspect inappropriate behavior.
- Intentionally being alone with a student away from the Organization or in a room with a student with the door and blinds of an interior window closed.
- Inappropriate remarks about the physical attributes or development of anyone.
- Allowing students in your home.
- Communication with students through use of technology or social media, where the content of such communication is not about Organization or Organization activities.
- Excessive attention toward a particular student.
(These behaviors should only be exercised when an employee has parent and supervisor permission.)
(a) Giving students a ride to/from the Organization or Organization activities.
(b) Being alone in a room with a student at Organization with the door closed.
(c) Allowing students in your home.
Cautionary Employees/Student Behaviors
(These behaviors should only be exercised when a reasonable and prudent person, acting as an educator, is prevented from using a better practice or behavior. Employees members should inform their supervisor of the circumstance and occurrence prior to or immediately after the occurrence)
(a) Remarks about the physical attributes or development of anyone.
(b) Excessive attention toward a particular student.
(c) Sending emails, text messages or letters to students if the content is not about Organization activities.
Acceptable and Recommended Employees/Student Behaviors
- Getting Organization and parental written consent for any after-hours Organization activity.
- Obtaining formal approval to take students off Organization property for Organization-related activities.
- Keeping all communication with students through the use of technology and social media professional and related to Organization activities or classes and conducted on Organization technology systems.
- Keeping the door and/or blinds of an interior window open when alone with a student.
- Keeping reasonable physical distance from students.
- Stopping and correcting students if they cross your own personal boundaries.
- Keeping after-class discussions with a student professional and brief.
- Asking for advice from fellow employees or administrators if you find yourself in a difficult situation related to boundaries.
- Involving the Organization’s principal or your supervisor if an inappropriate situation, including conflict, arises with a student.
- Informing your principal or supervisor about situations that have the potential to become more severe.
- Making detailed notes about an incident that could evolve into a more serious situation later.
- Recognizing and acting in accordance with the responsibility to stop unacceptable behavior of students or coworkers.
- Asking another employee to be present when you must be alone with a student.
- Asking another employees member to be present when you must be alone with a student after regular Organization hours.
- Giving students praise and recognition without touching them.
- Pats on the back, high fives, and handshakes are acceptable.
- Keeping your professional conduct, a high priority.
- Emails, text, phone and instant messages to students must be very professional and pertaining to Organization activities or classes (Communication should be limited to Organization technology).
- Keeping parents informed when a significant issue develops about a student.
- Making detailed notes about an incident that could evolve into a more serious situation later.
- Asking yourself if your actions are worth your job and career.
This statement of prohibited conduct does not alter the Organization’s policy of at-will employment. Either you or the Organization remains free to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without reason or advance notice.
Mathematics Placement Policy
The Board of Directors (“Board”) of San Diego Mission Academy (“Charter School”) adopts this policy to establish a fair, objective, and transparent protocol for placement in mathematics courses for students entering 9th grade, in order to ensure the success of every student and to meet the legislative intent of the California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015.
- In determining the mathematics course placement for entering 9th grade students, the Charter School systematically takes multiple objective academic measures of student performance into consideration, including two (2) or more of the following:
a. Statewide mathematics assessments, including interim and summative assessments through the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (“CAASPP”).
b. Placement tests that are aligned to state-adopted content standards in mathematics;
c. Recommendation, if available, of each student’s 8th and/or 9th grade mathematics teacher based on classroom assignment and grades.
d. Final grade in mathematics on the student’s official, end of the year 8th and/or 9th grade report card.
e. Results from all placement checkpoints, including at least one (1) placement checkpoint within the first month of the school year as described in Section 2, below. - The Charter School will provide at least one (1) placement checkpoint within the first month of the school year to ensure accurate placement and permit reevaluation of individual student progress. All mathematics teachers responsible for teaching 9th grade students will assess the mathematics placements for each 9th grade student assigned to the teacher’s mathematics class. The teacher’s assessment will take into consideration factors which may include, but are not limited to, the student’s classroom assignments, quizzes, tests, exams, and grades, classroom participation, and any comments provided by the student, the student’s parent/legal guardian, and/or the student’s other teachers regarding the student’s mathematics placement. Based on the assessment, the teacher will then recommend that the student remain in the current mathematics placement or be transferred to another mathematics placement, in which case the teacher shall specify the mathematics course or level recommended for the student.
- The Charter School Area Superintendent, or designee, shall examine aggregate student placement data annually to ensure that students who are qualified to progress in mathematics courses based on their performance on objective academic measures included in Section 1 of this policy are not held back in a disproportionate manner on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background. The Charter School shall annually report the aggregate results of this examination to the Charter School Board.
- The Charter School offers clear and timely recourse for each student and the student’s parent or legal guardian who questions the student’s placement, as follows:
a. A parent/legal guardian of any 9th grade student may submit a written request to the Charter School Principal, or Principal’s designee, that:
i. Requests information regarding how the student’s mathematics placement was determined. Within ten (10) days of receipt, the Principal or designee shall respond in writing to the parent/legal guardian’s request by providing the information, including the objective academic measures that the Charter School relied upon in determining the student’s mathematics placement.
ii. Requests that the student retake the placement test, in which case the Principal or designee will attempt to facilitate the retest within two (2) weeks.
iii. Requests reconsideration of the student’s mathematics placement based on objective academic measures. Within ten (10) school days of receipt, the Principal or designee shall respond in writing to the parent/legal guardian’s request. The Principal or designee and the student’s mathematics teacher must assess the objective academic measures provided by the parent in conjunction with the objective academic measures identified in Section 1 and 2 of this policy. Based on this assessment, the Principal or designee must determine whether the most appropriate mathematics placement for the student is the student’s current placement or another placement, in which case the Principal or designee shall specify the mathematics course or level recommended for the student. The Principal’s or designee’s response must provide the determination as well as the objective academic measures that the Principal or designee relied upon in making that determination.
b. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Principal or designee requires additional time to respond to a parent/legal guardian’s request, the Principal or designee will provide a written response indicating that additional time is needed. In no event shall the Principal ’s or designee’s response time exceed one (1) month.
c. If, after reconsideration of the student’s mathematics placement by the Principal or designee, the parent/legal guardian is dissatisfied with the student’s mathematics placement, the parent/legal guardian may choose to sign a voluntary waiver requesting that the student be placed in another mathematics course against the professional recommendation of the Principal or designee, acknowledging and accepting responsibility for this placement. - The Charter School shall ensure that this mathematics placement policy is posted on its website.
- This policy is adopted pursuant to the Mathematics Placement Act of 2015, enacted as Education Code Section 51224.7.
Personalized Learning Policy
Privacy Policy
Notice: this Privacy Policy has been changed effective July 1, 2018
Thank you for visiting our school website and reviewing our privacy policy. We follow this privacy policy in accordance with applicable law. You can visit our site anonymously. We collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us.
If you choose to send us an e-mail or transmit a completed online form that includes personal information, we collect your contact details and use that personal information to respond to your message and perform normal processing/enrollment functions of the school. The types of information that we collect include contact information that personally identifies you (such as a parent’s name, student’s name, postal address, email address, phone numbers, a student’s age and grade level) and anonymous information (information that does not identify a visitor and which cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual visitor, such as cookies, usage, viewing, technical, and device data when you visit our website). The personal information you provide is not provided to third party entities or persons, except for the limited use as noted below, as required by applicable law, or with your written permission. We do not collect or use personal information for commercial marketing or share it with any third parties for such purposes.
We honor Do Not Track signals and do not track, plant cookies, or collect information when a Do Not Track browser mechanism is in place.
Personal information, specifically regarding the parent or guardian only, provided by parents or guardians for prospective students placed on our enrollment list may be shared with the school’s charter authorizer or other local authorized charter schools to better service student needs or educational requirements.
From time to time, we may change this privacy policy to accommodate new technologies, changes in law or regulations, or for other purposes. We will provide notice to you on this privacy policy page of any material changes made to our privacy policy along with an updated “last modified” version.
If you have any questions about what information we have collected about you, object to your information or likeness used in our website or want to change your personally identifiable information, please notify our school by e-mailing us at [email protected].
We will respond to your questions, remove from the website any objectionable information or likeness, or change your information as soon as possible.
Thank you.
School Policy on Suicide Prevention
The Dangers of Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Drugs
As required by state law, Education Code Section 48985.5, we wish to inform all students and parents/guardians about the dangers associated with using synthetic drugs that are not prescribed by a physician, such as fentanyl, and the possibility that dangerous synthetic drugs can be found in counterfeit pills.
There are many dangers associated with using synthetic drugs that are not prescribed by a physician, such as fentanyl. Dangerous synthetic drugs can also be found in counterfeit pills. Often, teens think they are purchasing Adderall, OxyContin, Percocet, or Xanax pills, but drug dealers are making fake pills with the cheaper, stronger, and deadlier synthetic drug fentanyl. Fentanyl can be up to 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine
(See: https://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/el/le/yr22ltr1027.asp).
What Is an Opioid?
- Opioids are a class of drug used to treat pain. Some examples of opioids are fentanyl, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine.
- Opioids are very effective for certain conditions while under the supervision of medical doctor, but they also carry high addiction potential and sometimes result in overdose.
What is Fentanyl and Why is It Dangerous?
- Opioids can be used illegally. In addition to prescription opioids (mentioned above), there are also illicit “street opioids” that can place people at high risk for overdose. Examples of these types of “street opioids” are heroin and illicitly manufactured fentanyl compounds.
- Illegal fentanyl is many times stronger than morphine and is implicated in a large percentage of opioid related deaths worldwide, especially when combined with other opioids, alcohol, or sedative medications such as alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan) and clonazepam (Klonopin).
- Opioids cause death by suppressing respiratory function (breathing).
- Often illicit fentanyl is disguised and made to look like other prescription drugs that people obtain illegally.
- When a person does not know what they are taking, or they have a low tolerance for opioids, they can stop breathing.
- Even small amounts for “street fentanyl” can be fatal and people who buy pills or other powdered drugs illicitly place themselves at high risk of overdose.
How to Get Help
- If a person encounters someone that is suspected of overdose, immediately call 911.
- If someone you know uses opioids, carrying naloxone can be a life saving measure.
- The Charter School maintains a policy on naloxone administration in its School Safety Plan. Contact your school principal for more information.
Additional Resources and Updates
- California Department of Education: Combatting Fentanyl with Actions and Resources.
- Visit the California Opioid Response Webpage.
- Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health: https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Behavioral-Health/Care-Services/Dangers-of-Fentanyl-Treatment-Resources.
Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination and Bullying Policy
Uniform Complaint Procedure
San Diego Mission Academy is dedicated to serving students. If you have a complaint alleging violation of state or federal laws covered under the Uniform Complaint Procedures, please complete and follow the directions noted on the Uniform Complaint Procedures Form available below.